Monday, October 3, 2011

My weekend, in retrospect, from a crank

I havent blogged all weekend. And right now, I am the world's BIGGEST crank. So, let's start with Saturday. Saturday was a very fun day. I went to the beach with Ron Burgandy, and had a fantastic time. Im so glad we are able to be friends. I got a pretty awesome tan, and about 3 hours of laughter. Then, Batman and I got to spend our evening together. The poor guy is so exhausted and burnt out from saving the world all the time. I felt bad. He needed to clean his guns, so we took our low key date evening and turned it into a fun time together, cleaning guns and he taught me all about them. I would now like someone to buy me this hat, as I am a damn good gun cleaner. Please and thank you. We went to IHOP for dinner, and I indulged in an omelet and pancakes. Yes, folks, Im a child. I get excited about breakfast for dinner. But who doesnt? If you swear up and down pancakes for dinner dont get you off, then you are just a dirty filthy liar. I ended up falling asleep on the couch while Batman put the finishing touches on the now sparkling clean guns. I finally spent the night, and it was nice. Well, it was cute that he kept putting blankets on me all night, and I kept kicking them off because I like to freeze to death while I sleep. This must have happened like 3 times throughout the night until we realized what exactly was happening. I was sad that Mr. Wayne had to work Sunday, but we made the most out of the time we had, ate some breakfast, and I went home.

Sunday was pretty uneventful. Carrie and I went to the Halloween store to try on costumes. I hated every costume I put on (maybe this was the coming on of the crank mood, and I just failed to notice). I also decided to be Derelicte on Sunday, and put my hair up in a messy ratty looking mess secured with multicolored paperclips. People stared, and I glared back. Lady Gaga would be proud, damn it.

Today, I woke up SOOOOO cranky. For no reason. BUT, sitting in 6 hours of class and learning nothing because I have self diagnosed ADHD just enraged me. I did some work for the clubs I am involved it, but it mostly was an unproductive day of crank. Carrie met me at Dairy Queen and we stuffed our faces with Pumpkin Pie Blizzards. Let me stop here, and say, Thank you God, for Pumpkin. I love pumpkin. Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie blizzards; its F****ing amazing. We eat alot. We also are gigantic A-holes when we are irritated. so laughing at small children and weird looking adults made us for a minute forget our crankiness. I then came up with a brilliant idea! We should go scout 18 year old boys at high schools for dates. Why not? They are hot! and LOVE the older ladies. Carrie thought this was creepy. I just think its fun! I came home in my blizzard induced coma and got a call from Charlotte! My best friend in the whole entire world knew exactly the crank rage I was in and fixed it! We are crafting Thursday!!! She thinks the high school boy idea is good, but due to the tainted mess kids in S Fl are, she suggested we prey on 18 and 19 yr old freshmen in college. God bless her. Id now like a shirt that says the following:

I hope to hear from Batman tonight, but Im so cranky Im afraid if I dont get to see him for coffee or something Ill just flip out. Or cry. Which, considering its only 3 weeks into this relationship, I think he may never call again. Maybe Ill go eat another Blizzard.

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