Friday, September 30, 2011

fatty feast is where my heart is

Where do I even begin today? I spent the day visiting people from my past who shaped and inspired me to become the best doctor I am capable of. My parents shaped me into the woman I am, but Dr. Brady, Dr. Pico and Claudia have inspired, supported and shaped me into a compassionate, driven student doctor. I shadowed Dr Brady today for half a day and enjoyed every learning second of it. It felt good to be home. Then I visited my old job and spent some time with my friend Ali and Dr Pico. I topped it all off with lunch, wine, love and laughter with Claudia, my second mom. As I drove back to where I lay my head, I felt so much happiness. I went "home" and visited the people who mean so much to me and I dont get to see them very often.
Then, Carrie and I had Fatty Feast 2011. We ate our weight in cheese fries and split a Gorgonzola bacon burger. The theme of the night was hefty, chunkers and bacon smorgasbord. I wouldnt have it any other way, We then got all dressed up and went to a date auction for charity tonight where we bid on, but sadly didnt win, a date with my male classmates. It was so much fun and we raised money for a good cause.
On another note, I have come to realize the world likes to throw curveballs at me when I least expect it. In my smitten stage with Bruce Wayne, I havent had ANY desire for any other men. Yet today, a total of 3 old flames have texted me today to see how I am doing. Isnt it funny how distance makes the jerk-face heart grow fonder? I of course stayed on my path to happiness and told all of them I am seeing a wonderful superhero and have no place for them in my life. They all said they were happy for me (shocker) but only one said he still wants to be friends because he cares about me as a person. And I may take him up on that. Sometimes life gives you good people, and the timing is just off. and for me and Ron Burgandy, the timing was off. But none the less, he is a great person, and I will give the friendship we have time to find its place. I would hate to sever our friendship and respect that he is willing to still be friends with me even though he cant date me.

Here's to you, Mr. Burgandy! A classy guy who is a real person. The other two can take a walk off a short pier for all I care. They are those military jerkoffs anyhow. Totally egocentric. I miss my Batman, but he is out saving the world tonight. Tomorrow, he will brighten mine.

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