Thursday, October 20, 2011


Yeah, today I reached Creeper Status. I would like an award. Or certificate. Or trophy. Because Im a creeper. But before that, I forgot to mention the hot topic of last night. So, I realized another paradox in my life. Chest Hair. Yes, I think it is oh so sexy, but at the same time it makes me want to vomit.So strange. My explanation is my ovaries are saying "your clock is a tickin, lady. See that chest hair?? Thats ALL MAN right thurr. Go get em tiger!" while my brain says "omg, gross, shave that nasty ass hair on your chest, bro!!!" Point in case:
Hot Roger Federer. Yum Ovaries win.

Ew Baldwin relative.... Shave that shit!!

So anyway, today I woke up at the butt crack of dawn to see some patients. It was a great day!! Learned alot as usual from Dr. Brady, and enjoyed my quality time with patients. Then, I decided to stop in at my old job and say hi. Here comes the creeperific story. I found out from my old boss the hot vet down the street is now single! Score! Ive met him like twice mind you, and once was a lunch outing with my leprechaun in which she talked about performing oral sex to get into vet school. Yep, classy bunch we are. So, in my office attire, unwashed hair glory, I decided to stop by his office to say hi! i pulled up, walked right into his office like I owned the place, to find out from the not so welcoming staff he was in an appointment. Bummer. Did I turn around a leave? Did i leave a note saying I dropped by and will check back next week? Hells no. I sat my creeper ass down and waited. 15 minutes. 15 minutes of awkwardness with the secretary wondering who the hell this chick is and why does she think the doctor wants to see her?? Well, he walked up, waved and disappeared. Now was my chance to leave unscathed. Did I leave? NOPE! Creeper stayed. He came up finally and I greeted him with a hug (while he offered a hand shake) and then asked if he remembered me. In hindsight, Im glad he did, otherwise a stranger just hugged you, in your place of work. It wouldve been real weird. So he asked about med school, and licencing, and how Ive been etc. Asked how long Id be in town (ummm I live "in town"). And here I am. Rambling in all my glory. And i dont know what to do with my hands. Im Italian. We use them to talk! And I fling them around wildly and use then and fidget and look real strung out half the time when I talk. I should not be allowed to talk. This was me. I swear.

Finally, I realized I didnt wanna approach the awkward silence where no one else has something to say so I left. Will i ever see him again? I hope so! I did facebook friend request him. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Im a creeper.

So after creeping around, i went to Charlotte's for a fun run. Not so fun when your shins get tight like mine and you clop clop clop foot drop the whole time. When will my body get used to this running thing? Never? Spectacular. Tomorrow is the long run. And Im scared. I want to just come home after class and be fat. But, Ill be run/walking 5 miles. This kitten motivates me.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAnd on that note, good night all!

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