Thursday, October 6, 2011

It's Only Me!!

Today was great! Spent the day crafting with my besties. We made crayon art on canvas and it turned out soooo cool! We also had sushi for lunch which I havent had in months so it was amazing! Then tonight, I came home, went for a little spin ride, had dinner and talked to Batman. I missed him so much and when he suggested we have coffee tonight I almost leapt off my bed. I went and we had a fabulous time as usual. I enjoy spending time with him so much, and our conversation is always fun and interesting. We walked around Barnes and noble looking for books that suit his fancy. I love that he loves to read so much. Its nice to be with an intelligent, handsome man who enjoys the little things in life like coffee and a good book. Apparently, Aventura lost water, and my full bladder was NOT happy about that. He walked me to our cars, and kisses me goodnight. God, I love his kisses. I finally decided to DTR (for those of you not totally obsessed with the show Awkward like I am, that means Define the Relationship). I asked if he was seeing other people. And nope! Its only me! Knowing that made me sooooooo happy. I really really like him and am glad to know I am the only girl he is dating. As he is the only guy I am dating. Its kind of awesome.
I have a midterm tomorrow which I have yet to study for. Guess it will be a semi late night of attempting to care about passing. We will see how far I get before I watch General Hospital and say screw this exam. I hope to see alot of Batman this weekend. Life is happy.

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