Saturday, October 8, 2011

Life's mysteries

Yesterday was less than eventful. Well full of events, just nothing out of the ordinary for my life I guess. Took a midterm cold. It was terrible. I shouldve studied even a little bit for it. But I just got too lazy and unfocused. Oh well, theres always the final! I then decided to lay on my couch after a few hours of studying (its amazing how feeling like you bombed an exam lights a fire under your ass to study) and do nothing all night. But, I never do nothing. I went up to Charlotte's house and me her and Carrie binged out on froyo (Satan's evil little way of keeping me fat). Speaking of Satanic creations, I have a qualm. Anyone who knows me knows i despise chocolate. and more than my EXTREME hate for chocolate (***disclaimer, I do enjoy dark chocolate when I have the craving, but thats rare...almost like spotting a bad ass honey badger***)  I cannot stand peanut butter. YET, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Reese's peanut butter cups. Like really love them. I load them on my fatty froyo and make it totally terrible for my waistline. How is this even possible!??!?!?! Honestly. Makes no freakin sense. Life is full of mysteries, and this is such a big and frustrating one. Ugh, now Im all worked up and have HIV tester training. Will blog more later.
damn you, reeses peanut butter cup!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes things by themselves are almost repellant, but put them together and its delicious genius. Like salty and fatties for me, but you put them together in the form of salt and vinegar chips and I will fight you for them. You are the best Samantha! Through thick n thin ....
