Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday Blues, crappy weekend

Ugh, here's my rant about my weekend. It was bound to surface on here, but I wanted to write it in hindsight, because I feel maybe Ill cut down on the expletives and negativity. MAYBE. So Saturday I did the HIV tester training part 1. Not overly exciting, but not the worst thing in the world either. Ill be there this Saturday again, learning more from the instructor who uses slang words for genitalia. Its kind of entertaining. This was supposed to be our weekend (mine and Batmans). I was soooo excited to spend some time with him, as we both have crazy busy lives. We discussed dinner and a movie, and he picked me up! It was so nice to see him. We went to Ale House for dinner, and had fun, but he seemed a little distant. I thought maybe hes just tired, or relaxed and not all high strung like I am. After dinner, he took me back to my place (notice how the movie didnt happen) and came inside for a bit. We hung out, cuddled, and then he left. Just like that. I totally thought maybe he would sleep over, or maybe some sort of physical contact would occur, but no to both. I was so upset. Feeling like someone doesnt want to spend time with you is a horrible feeling. Ron Burgandy, T , and Carrie got me through the night, and yesterday I woke up still hurt but ready to see Bruce Wayne.

 And guess what I did yesterday?? Nothing. Well, relatively nothing. I didnt see Batman, which was a HUGE disappointment. I laid my chunker ass on the couch most of the day and watched Keeping up with the Kardashians. And ate. Well, except for the part where T kicked my ass in the gym. So I havent lifted in a week or two, and was ready to get back in the gym and do some heavy lifting (for those of you who dont know, I have been powerlifting to build muscle and take some of this stubborn fat off). I squatted 185 and benched 100lbs. OH MY GOD, I felt on top of the world. Let me tell you, when you have 185 pounds on your shoulders, and a 275 lb man yelling at you to keep your knees out and push, the human body does amazing things. I love T. He is like my brother, and I value our friendship so much. We have such a great time together, talk openly about anything, and he is always there for me in my ridiculous dating life to put things into perspective. Every woman needs  a meathead brother type friend in her life.
The rest of my day consisted of laying on the couch, Kardashian loading (instead of carb loading). I love these girls. I know, they are famous for nothing. They are rich , most likely snotty girls who get paid to be stupid. But they are so pretty (well, Kourtney not so much, but the other girls are). I cant help but watch! Then I switched the channel to Jerseylicious. I explained to Abdul, the exchange student I live with, why I watch Jerseylicious. I told him its because the girls on the show look like me. God, Im such a guido. My trash TV addiction can be summed up by:

Ohhhh Bethany...... I cant help but be sucked into your glamorous web.

I swear I am their long lost sister.

Although I am not a regular watcher, I wanna be the redhead lady in real life. what a badass.
Yes, I have a Jersey Shore problem. Sue me.

OMG I aspire to be as fab as these broads.
And by look like me, I meant they look like what I think I look like 40 lbs thinner. LOL. Oh, and now this brings me to today, Monday. Stupid Monday. Set my alarm for 8 to be productive today. I woke up a minute before my alarm. I hate when that happens. I have a presentation on Postpartum Depression in Rural Women to give at noon today, and prior to that I have to pick up the catered lunch. Then after that I am locking myself in a study room until I am climbing the damn walls to force myself to study. I am so far behind, because Im a slacker. But today, I will make an attempt to catch up at least mostly. I hate studying. But I hate going to class even more so I gotta buckle down and keep up if I am going to continue to live the life of a slacker who sleeps til 10 and drinks coffee in their pjs all day while others actually do the right thing and sit through 6 hours of lecture every day.

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