Tuesday, October 4, 2011

When you wish upon a star...

I am proud to report Hulk Monica has left the building. Man, being a crank sucks!!!! But last night around 9, i made the best decision- I drove to Charlotte's house. Ive mentioned before she is my absolute best friend, but I think its worth mentioning again. She loves me in my crank mode, and we had a fantastic night. We laughed, and hung with the puppies, and went for a great late night walk around the block and to the beach. There, we talked about life, Batman, and love. I saw my first ever shooting star. It was pretty awesome! Out of the corner of my eye i saw a short burst of light dart across the sky and as soon as I saw it, it was gone! I made my wish (I cant tell you what it was....otherwise it wont come true!) Her husband, Jose Sanchez (because he works at Taco Bell) came to hang out with us. He brought a blanket and the three of us laid on the beach, looking at the stars. It was perfect!!!
Today was very tiring but very good. So I have decided that I am never going to lecture again, thus, I slept til 9. I had a dermatology appointment today to look at the arm funk Ive been getting on and off for 2 years now. Ive heard this before, and today at the clinic reminiscent of a spa, I confirmed it; Dermatology is, for the most part, a waste of medical education. Yes, they are doctors. Yes, people have real skin issues like me and they are great for that. But I was convinced in my 5 minutes in the waiting room that I could get rid of my frown line on my forehead and will still be able to look happy, sad, and not surprised all the time if I just asked my dermatologist for some Botulinum A toxin..... its like the minor leagues for plastic surgery! My doctor was a resident who helped me in suture clinic last week, so it was nice to see a familiar face. He thinks its either an atypical atopic dermatitis or psoriasis....hello steroid cream and fun washes and lotions! In a month we will see if I need a skin biopsy. I kinda want one just to say Ive had a biopsy.
I went to class (why the hell not, I was at school already) and did the student thing. Afterwards, I stayed on campus to work on my powerpoint presentation that I self crucified myself for to present at a club meeting Monday. Half a bag of gummy bears later, I finished my presentation. I realized two things while doing it. 1. I HATE research. Reading a research report, then trying to make some sort of sense out of it and making a powerpoint to summarize it is JUST F***ing painful!!! Never never never never will I do anything research related. I imagine writing that damn paper was more painful. But, when I finished, I felt like a Research Rockstar!

The second thing I realized is how much better gummy worms are than gummy bears. Yes, I said it. Deal with it. I went to Publix and to my dismay, they only had sour gummy worms and plain gummy bears.  I chose the bears because I didnt want sour (although, its pretty much a scientific fact that sour worms trump gummy worms by a long shot). Chewing gummy bears is just a terrible experience. They arent as gummy as their wormy counterparts, have a weird shape and get stuck in your teeth, and arent as fun to pull apart with your teeth!! Death to gummy bears. Long live the gummy worm!!!
BATMAN update: he is alive and still likes me. Just busy. Texted him briefly today and found out he is a Coke guy vs Pepsi, and loves bacon and breakfast sausage equally-what man doesnt???

Last but not least, the Halloween debacle has been decided. Say hello to the outfit which I will re-create with my own twist:

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