Thursday, November 3, 2011

Out of my mind, in my element, and every pit stop in between

Wow, ok so I took a beast of a midterm on Monday. 147 questions, over 56 lectures from 3 classes, and 4 hours alotted to it. It took me just under 2 hours and I walked out in a catatonic state. Seriously. Mind numbing. Some questions had no answer, some had more than one answer. But lets rewind a little bit. So Friday. Friday was mmm less than exciting. Study study study. Saturday my wonderful mom came and stole me from studying. She took me to lunch, stocked me up on Monster Energy drinks and Reeses and Almond Joys. Moms are the best!!!!!! I seriously dont know what I would do without my mom!!!! Sunday, I studied again, allllllllllllll day long.
I ended up going to see Ron Burgandy for a study break, and it was so nice to see him. Here my dilemma with him, folks. We are friends. We have had the "its not the right time for us to date" talk previously. But, I cant help but be crazy about him. Its not healthy. I cannot be just friends with him. I want so much more from him. SO why dont I talk to him about it?? Well, in my effed up world, its easier to just ignore the problem, continue to painfully pine over him and still see and hang out with him, then to demand a relationship or cut him out of my life. Im pathetic. I know. BUT! Not as pathetic as:
MY GOD I hate twilight.
So anyway, exam came Monday, and I needed to let lose. So I convinced Carrie to come to a party at the Hard Rock with me. Of course, I trotted out my ass bareing sassy lassy costume, and Tit McGee was a cop. It was EPIC! We got drunk pre-club in the parking lot. Danced our asses off til midnight, and then like Cinderella, got home before we turned back into pumpkins. Epic Epic Epic. As was my hangover all day Tuesday. Epic fail.
Yesterday slowly came and went. I was in such an off mood. I was just sad. An Emo mess if you will. I didnt go to the extremes of the eyeliner and stupid hair, and whiny music, but I was almost as obnoxious. I just felt lonely. I know this comes with the single territory, and i wouldnt trade my independance for the world. But for almost an entire day, nothing seemed right. Mister Burgundy was breaking my heart, and I was insanely jealous over a completely made up story that I made up in my head (crazy much??). I didnt even have any contact with him. It was all in my head. And then I missed Batman. I think I actually do miss him, and his company. Well, actually, I dont today. But I did yesterday. The worst part is, knowing I had a day where I missed him, but I dont know if he ever misses me. I guess I shouldnt know, it would make it that much harder. 
I then found the best therapy for getting over a man. No one wants to be with a man if they are told you will have ugly babies, right?!?!??! SO I started mixing up virtual babies for me and every guy I have encountered. I know Burgundy and I should NEVER mate. EVER. The Apple of my Eye and I make a super guido baby (although, I dont actually have romantic feelings for him, hes just a really good friend who I adore.
So today, im in a much better mood. Burgundy is supposed to come over for dinner and to help my fairy godmother make a website. I have a looming feeling he wont come over. But if he does, Im hitting the bottle early so I dont accuse him of sleeping with made up tramps in my head. Im such a hot mess. Im gonna go try to run 6 miles ( i havent ran in a week, I may die), and if the spa calls me back I would like to redeem my Groupon mud wrap. We shall see!

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