Friday, November 4, 2011

Bows n Hoes and all things in between.

Last night was insane. Fun, hilarious, delicious, and insane. We had Ron Burgundy over for dinner, and Babs (the fairy godmother) wanted to talk to him about her business ideas and a website he is going to build for her. Well, it started out with me introducing her to Disarrono before Burgundy arrived (i knew I couldnt do this sober). Earlier in the day, I went for a rather pathetic run (first one after taking a week off), cleaned my room, and went for a mud wrap.

OMG, everyone need a mud wrap. They bring you into a sauna shower thing, cover you in mud from the Dead Sea, and bake you in a 175 degree sauna for 30 min with aromatherapy, phototherapy, delicious detoxifying tea, and sounds of the ocean, birds, and harp music. HEAVEN. But I knew it would take more than the mud wrap to calm my nerves. I dont know why I still get so nervous around Ron. Ive been seeing him and hanging out with him since August (maybe even July). We have the best time together and can be silly. But still, my nerves get shot ( I guess I really really really do like him ALOT). So we drank disarrono and sat on the porch and talked about men past, and life. I love my fairy godmother. As I looked at the clock, and saw it was nearing "dinner party time", I changed into this sexy little black wrap around dress. This wasnt a formal dinner, but I wanted to look HOT so he couldnt take his eyes off me. It worked (i think). So he came over, we ate an amazing meal, and I kept downing white wine (which im not particularly a fan of) to get through the conversation that included his life story (Babs was interviewing him like I would expect parents to when they meet the boyfriend for the first time), travel stories, bath house information, and just any odd topic you can imagine. It was fun. Mister Burgundy did some consulting about Bab's business venture idea, and then he had to leave because he still had some work to do for his business down in Miami. I was sad. I wanted to spend more time with him, but was thankful for the time we got. So i walked him outside, and got my goodnight kiss. We also will probably see each other on Sunday.
I dont understand why I am so spun about him. Ok, I do, but I mean, its unreasonably difficult for me to just walk away from our friendship thing we have. I know we wont date anytime in the near future (hes just too busy with work, and trying to get his program launched and off the ground) and I support than 100%. I mean, Im in med school. Im busy too. But we have the most intelligent, deep conversations. His brilliant mind just attracts and intrigues me. I feel like our chemistry is magnificent, and hes so unique. Plus he is out right HOT. I guess Ill just continue to pine over him, hang out with him, and know in my heart I'll want more and hope that sooner than later he wants more too.

Whatever, more importantly, tonight is girls night!!! All us Sex and the City girls will be decked out in bows (our theme is bows n hoes) and we are going to dinner, and maybe a bar. I cannot wait!! We are also being joined by our favorite little Geisha (Charlotte's sister in law) and its going to be extraordinary!! I have two outfits planned, one if the weather is over 70 degrees, and one for if its under. Im always prepared. Regardless, the bow decorating will be over the top and awesome. I have an exam on heartsounds or something like that in 90 minutes that i just dont care about. I think I'll pass it, but honestly, couldnt care less right now. Then its lifting, and girls time!!! Tomorrow I have to be up at the butt crack of dawn to volunteer at a health fair. Im very excited. I love using the skills and knowledge Ive learned so far to help people have access to some form of healthcare. This weekend should provide entertaining blogs for the next week! Have an awesome Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lot of fun! Believe me! I know all about the nerves around the boys... I think we were made for them to activate our sympathetic nervous system...explains the sweat. =/ Hope everything works out with him!
