Monday, September 26, 2011

Lucky number 7?

My Fairy Godmother and I have been living together just shy of a month, and she demanded I write! She says my life especially these last 2 weeks has been noteworthy and needs to be documented. And as I contemplated journaling, I decided I didnt want this to be kept to myself. So maybe hopefully, someone will stumble across my blog, and laugh, be inspired, change their outlooks, and believe in love again.

About 3 weeks ago, fed up with my dating life (which was composed of douchebags, men who only think with their penises, and men who were so desperate for attention it made me contemplate becoming a lesbian) I signed up for a dating website. Now, I really didnt even care if I met anyone, but I did this in a self induced pity party of how Id be lonely forever. Im pretty sure I drank that night too. Lo and behold I received a few emails within the first day or so (not surprising, I AM hot). This one man , let's call him Bruce Wayne, emailed me and I responded. He seemed polite, his pictures made him appear tall, dark, handsome and mysterious. We exchanged numbers and decided on a day date on a Saturday to meet up. Saturday rolled around, and I did not want to go. Not because I wasnt interested in him; he was funny, handsome, and caught my interest. But I was so tired of the disappointment men had become in my life. My best friend yelled at me to just go and I am glad I did. We met in a diner up the road from my house and my first thought was "wow! someone who loves diners as much as I do!!!" We talked, he ordered eggs Benedict, and had a lovely time. I remember leaving the date not sure of what just happened. Most of the time I go out with men and they just want to talk about sex, or allude to it, or try to impress me with often made up random "facts" about their lives. Not Mr Wayne, he was just pleasant. I wasnt even sure if he liked me or found me attractive, and thats an insecurity I hadnt felt in a while.
Well, he liked what he saw! As did I, so we went out for dinner a few nights later. In this sports bar, he asked me for a napkin and a pen. He made me an origami puppy out of napkin and gave it to me. My heart melted. This napkin puppy makes me so happy to look at! Another lovely evening, and Bruce walked me out to my car, and requested a kiss on the cheek. 
For lack of making this boring, lets just say dates 3-6 were a repeat of how AWESOME Bruce is. His kisses light up my soul, his touch makes my heart dance, and his mind is the most beautiful thing about him. His hazel eyes fixate on me, and for the first time in my life I FEEL beautiful (as opposed to just KNOWING Im beautiful). Being smitten is a good feeling.
 Last night was encounter number 7. Lucky number 7? Well, we have yet to consummate this relationship, which is another thing I just LOVE about what we have going on. But last night, I got to see a glimpse of his soul. He is totally a superhero - my superhero. Hes a crime fighting, standing up for justice, intellectual tall dark and handsome hero to me. And his words both inspire me and stir up excitement, happiness and intrigue. Mr Wayne told me last night one of the things he likes most about me is my imperfections because it reminds him Im human. That was it. That was all it took for me to let go of my heart Ive been holding onto so tightly and let it go in the wind to see if he would catch it and treasure and protect it as much as I do. Time will tell. But Im starting to fall in love. And it feels great!
Im crafting with my best friend today, and it will be good soul therapy for both of us. 

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