Monday, October 10, 2011

Goodbye Monday blues....Hello Double Rainbow

Mid day blog..... must mean its been a spectacular morning! Which it has been. As a lot of you know, I am a caffiene, salt n vinegar chip, french fries, buttercream icing, dubstep, weight lifting addict. But, right now.......
I gave my presentation at the meeting today. It was AWESOME. We had a great turn out, and people really engaged in discussing the article I presented after my presentation. It was great. I knew the paper I chose to highlight had research flaws, and I wanted people to find the discussion stimulating and get some dialogue going. Thats exactly what happened. I take being Rural Med Club president very seriously. And my hard work really paid off. My advisor (who is the man when it comes to rural med) told me in his 10 years of being here and advising Rural Med, it was the best presentation he's attended. That means alot. In general, Im a huge slacker. But when I give a shit about something, I give it my all. My hardwork was appreciated and well recieved. I also have enough chips and salsa to make me a heffalump today as we had SO MUCH food leftover from our meeting. 
Carb loading, begin. 

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