Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Haters gonna hate

Back track: Went on the coffee date the other day. It was, um, how should I say, AMAZING! Really nice guy, super cute, yeahhhh Ill see him again. lol. Anyway, today started off fairly normal. Its payday so i love how I woke up and my bank account was magically large again. And then i paid my bills. Sigh. 
Then i logged into facebook. I have a cousin, who since I can remember has always just been a super bitch to me, and hated. ALWAYS. Whatever, I dont even think about her because she's just not important. But her sister is so sweet and we get along so we keep in touch, and are having a reunion in a few weeks most likely. Well, Maleficant commented on a fb post on my cousin's husbands wall syaing how she is surprised they are even talking to me after what I said after her grandmother died. Whoa, what??? First, it is OUR grandmother. Second, my grandmother had this will where she gave all her stuff away. Whatever, she had nothign of value anyway. When she passed, supposedly she willed a collection my father bought her to Maleficent. My dad was upset and asked Maleficent since they mean nothing to her and everything to him if he could have them. Of course she said no way. And her mom was being a super biatch too. So I wrote a letter to my other cousins telling them how terrible they were being. And it was a lot of drama. i dont care. So I politely emailed Maleficant that she shouldnt start things on other peoples fb and she can keep her negative feelings toward me between us, etc etc. i was kind of impressed actually; I didnt let my disust with her get in the way of writing a well composed response back. of course she had to write me back telling me how i am not her family etc etc. Whatever. Shes just mad Im prettier than her. And Im going to be a real doctor instead of a doctor of pharmacy.
My point in writing this is such: we all do and say things that hurt and disrespect each other. i am not perfect, nor do I claim to be. And some people just cannot get over themselves or things you do to them. there is a way however to deal with your issues with someone else in a polite, respectful manner. It speaks volumes about a grown woman who has a graduate degree's character who puts another person for no reason out there on a family members public page just to take a stab at them. I feel bad for the children she raises, because she will probably raise them to be as vile, selfish, and rude as she is. But at the end of the day, she wasted her time, because I still dont care. Im ok with never hearing from her or seeing her ever again. I have peace with it, and just hope that one day she stops carrying around so much bitterness. thats no way to live life.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year....

Yay! Its a new year. For me, this means, another semester of stupid school, scary ass boards, and starting rotations. Oh, and still being single. sigh. Well, I hope something positive happens this year like passing boards. lol. Tomorrow I start school again. K, lets be real, I'll show up to grab my notes the first few days, then it back to sleeping in and doing nothing til a week out from my first exam. Slacker? yes,, yes I am. And proud. Im wearing black today to mourn the loss of my life starting tomorrow.
Even Lindsay is upset over school starting.
Im going on a coffee date in a bit...hope it goes well. Its been a few months since I went on a date I was excited about. We shall see how this goes. Oh, so btw, if you have not Checked out The Heavy Pets, you are missing God's musical gift to you. Please do so at this time.

Friday night the girls and I are doing cardio pole dancing. Ill either enjoy it and be decent at it, or break my back trying to get my leg over my head.This is going to be interesting.....perhaps I should have some wine prior to pole dancing.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tasty Men Thursday...Christmas Edition

My gift to you....
I'd do more than kiss him under that mistletoe!!!

Any takers? he has a "ho" position available

Why Cant all Santas look this good???


Oh, hello, Ryan Phillipe....

Ill take two. I claim him ladies. Call me an indian giver... IDC.... Mine mine mine mine mine

Santa on the beach???

Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Its beginning to look alot like Christmas....

Ok, so update on my personal life: The guido i was corresponding with is still very nice, but a family member of his is very sick (prayers please) so I dont think now is the time for him to be dating. Havent spoken to him, let him have his space, and life goes on. Anyway, I did go on a "date" this weekend.... it wasnt romantic and there is no interest in him...we will call him Jimminy Crackit....and the date was to a strip club. hahahaha. It was fun, but Jimminy Crackit is not my type. Definately and always in the friendzone for him. ive been corresponding with another man, he seems nice. We shall see and when I think of a name fitting for him, I will SO let you know. Charlotte had an AMAZING Christmas party on Monday. it was perfect. All of us girls were there, my mom and Charlotte's parents, the little Geisha, and a few others. It was epic. My presents I recieved were a smorgasboard of accessories, 2 new pairs of AWESOME heels, a penguin pillow pet, and a Snooki shirt. It was perfect perfect perfect!!!

Continuation of my Christmas wish list:

1. Khloe Kardashian's hair style. Yes, in another 6 months my hair will be that long, but it ALWAYS looks so flowy and amazing. Damn her.

2. To have a nice (preferably handsome) guy take me for a ride around neighborhoods to look at christmas lights. Yes, I know i can get in the car and do it myself. But dammnit this is a wishlist. and thats what i wish for. 

3. To go on a vacation to Bora Bora.....with Matthew Maconahey (i dont care how its spelt, itll never be my last name)

4. To party, one night with Snooki. Just one. I bet its a blast!

5. To eat a whole bowl of this:
mmm buttercream icinggggggg
you know, because I look like that and have always looked like that....shes a bitch.

And still look like this: 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Miss me, bitches???

Im baaaaaaaack!!! Sorry about the hiatus, I took a break from all things reality. And while Im still living in Monica land, I figure reality is gonna come bite me in the ass soon, so Ill get a head start on it. First and foremost, if you are not already in love with Lily Allen, please go you tube "Who'd have known". That is the type of batshit crazy Ron Burgandy made me. And still makes me. Now now, heres the update, dont get all crazy on me til you know the facts: So I gave him the ultimatum and 5 whole days to think about dating me. Problem #1: he shouldnt HAVE to think. I shouldve known right then and there. But Im stupid, and all I wanted was him to love me so I let him think. Such horseshit. Anyway, I finally asked him a few Fridays ago what his "decision" is (never let a man determine the fate of your GOD what happened to me being this strong, independent, aint takin shit from no man person....Im back ladies!!!) and he said he doesnt think he has time for me. SO LONG, MR BURGUNDY! Dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Done. Done with you, and your games, and your stupid manipulative kisses. I miss him a tiny bit when Im lonely, but I feel good he is gone. On to bigger (maybe? ;-)) and better things. So I stayed at my mom's for 5 days (it was lovely), finished my Christmas shopping, and have spent some awesome time with my best friends. Can you believe it's almost Christmas???
In the spirit if Christmas, heres a list of things I would like:
1. To spend some time in Florence Italy (or really, anywhere but this Florida hellhole with stupid douchebags)

2, And in Florence, I would like to be accompanied and romanced by one or both of these fine men:
Saw him on TV this morning, confirmed he has a wife, and immediately thought of hiring Dexter to fix my problem....

And of course, when he is done being Dexter, he can take me out to dinner.
3. Someone to make this Alabama vs Florida rotation for me. Pros: Great opportunity in a great hospital, new place to live, financially sound, new adventure for 2 years! Cons: my family, friends, and classmates are here, i hate change, im scared to death of being alone there. so.....anyone want to decide for me???

4. Ive been working out like a crazy, and started a new eating plan, and am down 7 lbs since August. Ok, I know to some of you skinny bitches that sounds like nothing, but for me, thats amazing. And people keep asking if my boobs are real or C or D cups? They are 100% homegrown, thank you! anyway, so my wish about this is it continues, and my boobs continue to look like tig ol fake bitties,
Ill continue to add to my wishlist for sure, Santa, you better pay attention!! Oh, ok, so I almost forgot. For fun (and maybe something will happen, who knows) I have engaged in online dating. Ive dabbled before, and figured, Im on break, I like dates, why not? Im currently corresponding with, yep, you guess it, a guido!!! I love guidos and i dont care who knows it!!!!!! Ill let you know how our date this weekend goes.

I wish I had the money to go get a mudwrap right now. Groupon, please run that special again after January 5th.... please. Anyway ya'll, Im back, and will be blogging regularly again. Missed you all and love you!

Monday, November 21, 2011

You can't always get what you want...

....but sometimes you get what you need? IDK about all that, but heres my life recently to get you up to speed. So Thursday, after pulling myself out of the mourning of Ron Burgundy, I went to see Batman for closure/coffee. I of course was looking adorable, because I wanted to have the aura about me that says " I look good, I mean really good. Feast your heart out! Oh, whats that? you miss me? Yeah, I'd miss me too" I strutted into Barnes and Noble where we've had many a deep conversation and make out sessions and felt ready to come out on top. Batman's first words were "wow, you look nice" to which I proudly walked over to the counter and ordered my espresso. We settled at a table, and had small talk. Then, I dropped it on him and asked why he disappeared on me out of nowhere. His response made me realize he is a man child, with a lot of emotional and social immaturity. He merely said "I got busy with work, and was getting busy" REALLY????? so I told him thats not a reason, and he replied "Just call me Harry Houdini" I ended the convo with "Well Mr Houdini, Im glad I was able to assist you in perfecting your disappearing act, I hope you got something out of it". Hello, closure. I usually dont go seeking out closure, but with him I needed it. And damn it, I got it! He couldnt even give me a real reason as to why he dumped me. I walked away that night feeling on top of the world knowing I am better off with out him, and was hoping he would never call or text me (or email me) again.
And thats all I have to say about that. So Friday I took my final for the worst class ever. I think I may have done better than I did on the midterm,but there is still a really good chance of me failing. OH WELL. So I spent the better part of this weekend studying my tail off for GI. Saturday night, Carrie came and saved me and took me for pizza at a place I have been wanting to try up the street. We ate all but 2 slices of an extra large pizza, and wolfed down the AMAZING garlic bread. Our super cute (and super young) waiter decided we are his second favorite customers and he sat and talked to us for probably an hour. He was adorable. And super sweet (as well as awkward). I just may have to go back in to flirt with him again. He surfs. And was an extra in movie. Just call me Mrs. Robinson, because Im gonna rock (not rob) that cradle!!
I should probably buy this book.

So last night I slept at the meathead household, and met one of their new girlfriends. She is super nice. I am glad they are happy. Today I took the GI final, and I think it went ok. I hope. No time to dwell, have another final and a practical tomorrow. I spent all day in a study room, wanted to eat my own hair. Then, as the night wound down, I found out that Ron Burgundy would be home so I could get the fancy tupperware I left at his house. The whole ride to his house I was nervous, sad, and had a pit in my stomach. Will he invite me in? will he smile? Will I end up staying? Thank God he had plans to go watch football, because it made it very easy to have a short trip. I tried SO HARD to hide the pain on my face when I saw him, and Im not sure I did a good job of it. He was so friendly, hot as usual, and smiling. I miss him. SO FREAKIN MUCH. I took the fancy tupperware and bolted out of there, and got in my car before he could see the first tear. Its going to be a LONG TIME until I find peace and closure with this. And I have a feeling over winter break when I am bored and lonely I will find myself thinking about him everyday until I break down and tell him how much i miss him and need to see him, in which case I will probably hang out with him, and fall in love all over again. Lord give me strength. I also know that because Im "mourning this loss" that I am no where ready to meet someone new. I dont even want to. I do want to go out Friday night, get wasted and shake my ass all over the club. That however, is neither here nor there. Ron Burgundy, you have such a hold on me. Its crippling. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Tasty Men Thursday

Im a day late. I know. Please excuse my crazy, as I was studying for an exam. To make up for it, I present to you (by request) Jake Gyllenhaal!

Is that shirt coming off or being put on?

Baby its cold outside!

kinda love the buzzcut 

Again, is the shirt coming off? or the pants going down??

A God amongst men