Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Yep, you read right, I got dumped. By Batman. Now, before you go and emotional binge eat for me (which I did last night with a cherry blizzard and a brownie), I am fine. I wasnt very sad. In fact, I was confused and irritated, but not sad. No tears here. Emotions just dont exist for me. So heres what happened. We were SUPPOSED to spend all weekend together. Saturday Batman took me for dinner, and then we hung out at my place for a bit and cuddled, had a tickle war and made out. Then, out of no where, he up and left. It was a bit awkward and my feelings were a little hurt. But he said we would hang out Sunday so I got over it, sulked all night, and went to bed. Sunday, Batman was MIA until around 4 when he informed me he was getting an oil change. That was it. I heard nothing all night from him. So I decided next time we spoke/saw each other, I was going to have to address some issues. Like, 1. the fact we have not seen eachother even though he had the whole weekend off like he promised. 2. We needed to have the intimacy talk. I think its about time we either make this relationship happen in all aspects, or part ways. Well, Monday rolled around, and after I ROCKED my presentation, he called at like 1:30. It went like this:
Me: "hello?"
The Batman: "Hey there, how are you?"
Me "good. you?"
Batman: "Im ok, Im alive. Sorry I didnt call yesterday, I got busy with somethings I needed to take care of"
Me (annoyed): "it ok, whatever"
The Jerkoff:"Well, I wanted to let you know Ill be pretty unavailable the next few months, taking on something big at work"
Me" Ok, that sucks, but I understand"
Douchebag: "Ok, well you know, I love my job so Im not too bummed. Anyway, Ill talk to you later. It was nice talking to you, Monica"
Me: "ok"
End phone call. Begin WTF reaction. I mean, did I just get dumped???? WTH was that?? So I texted him that I was distracted by class when he called, and did he just basically dump me? No response. Theres my answer. I guess Batman isnt good with goodbyes? IDK, and I wasnt even sad...just bewildered to be honest. I mean, its his loss; Im hot, fun, intelligent, and a great catch. But it was so out of no where, disconnected and bizarre how he ended things. Im fine, and I know I will be fine. My penguin is out there, and he will come along at the right time for both of us. I dont need a man to feel beautiful or special. But its always nice to have one. Oh well, Batman. Have fun with your next damsel, and I hope the best for you. I dont know why he called it off, and I may never know. Odds are, down the road he will contact me. They always do when they realize they blew off the most amazing girl theyve ever met. And I wont give in. He burned this bridge down to the ground. But you bet, if he ever calls, I will ask why he so awkwardly ended things. So if I get my answer, Internet world, you will too. Promise. My friends have been amazing to me through this, even though I promise Im not crushed. Tonight, Im going to Zumba to dance it all out. Maybe Ill visit Ron Burgandy. He always makes me smile and feel better. I also need to light  a fire under my ass to study. Being a slacker is hard hard work. Ill leave with this, Im interested to know what the oddest or worst break up you ever experienced was like. Feel free to comment. Peace, Love, and Cupcakes, ya'll!

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