Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tasty Men Thursday

Today, I highlight a sexy doctor from my favorite show, General Hospital. Mr. Scott Reeves. I can only hope my attendings and colleagues all look like this in the future. The doctor is in, go wild ladies!!!!

I would love to report to him everyday. Sigh.....


Hes taking a much needed break. Doctors are always busy, but sexy doctors? double busy!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Women Empowerment Wednesday

ok, and he looks like this....hes totally the hottest hero.
Ive been sooooo super busy to blog, but I couldn't let Wednesday slide without some words for women. I want to talk about our search for men. Superhero men. See, we all want the hero as our penguin. I for one, have ALWAYS been a Superman fan. ALWAYS. And I have come to realize I have allowed my standards to settle to any superhero that comes my way. Big Mistake. Now, Superman is the ultimate prize,and I will explain why. Superman is not of this Earth. He is an alien who was shipped out into space as a baby to save his life. He grew up on Earth, and realized his superhero potential. He is a model citizen, and life saving extraordinaire.

 He is very different from Spiderman, Batman, Captain America, and the Green Lantern. They are all human men, who have mutated, morphed, or decided they were good enough to become superheros.

 I've dated a few Captain Americas. The problem is, they all think they are on the same level as Superman, but cant possibly be because they are of this world and Earth. Very egocentric. I also most recently dated Batman. Batman was the closet I've come thus far to dating Superman, but still, was just a man who loved crime fighting.
To be not of this world as Superman, is to view the world as a learning experience. Superman must assimilate into the world, yet alone, he knows he is different. This is the kind of man we all should be looking for ladies. Someone who questions our world, lives in our world, and wants to do something wonderful for the sake of the people in our world. Not egocentric, but confident. Not a know it all,  but an inquisitive learner. Not someone who does things for headlines, but because he genuinely cares. All  of these principles are applied not only to the macroscopic world, but in relationships as well. Let me say this, however. Superman does not want Lois Lane (sorry to break the Damsel's heart). He wants a wonder woman. A woman who knows who she is, what she wants, is is going for it. A woman who wakes up in the morning not compromising her goals, self worth, and morals. Superman and wonder woman are the ultimate power couple. As I continue my single journey, I make it clear to those around me, I am wonder woman, and will settle for nothing less than Superman. Will this make it difficult on me, as I probably will miss out on some dates and fun times with sub par superheroes? Absolutely. But Superman is what I, and every woman deserves.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Yeah, today I reached Creeper Status. I would like an award. Or certificate. Or trophy. Because Im a creeper. But before that, I forgot to mention the hot topic of last night. So, I realized another paradox in my life. Chest Hair. Yes, I think it is oh so sexy, but at the same time it makes me want to vomit.So strange. My explanation is my ovaries are saying "your clock is a tickin, lady. See that chest hair?? Thats ALL MAN right thurr. Go get em tiger!" while my brain says "omg, gross, shave that nasty ass hair on your chest, bro!!!" Point in case:
Hot Roger Federer. Yum Ovaries win.

Ew Baldwin relative.... Shave that shit!!

So anyway, today I woke up at the butt crack of dawn to see some patients. It was a great day!! Learned alot as usual from Dr. Brady, and enjoyed my quality time with patients. Then, I decided to stop in at my old job and say hi. Here comes the creeperific story. I found out from my old boss the hot vet down the street is now single! Score! Ive met him like twice mind you, and once was a lunch outing with my leprechaun in which she talked about performing oral sex to get into vet school. Yep, classy bunch we are. So, in my office attire, unwashed hair glory, I decided to stop by his office to say hi! i pulled up, walked right into his office like I owned the place, to find out from the not so welcoming staff he was in an appointment. Bummer. Did I turn around a leave? Did i leave a note saying I dropped by and will check back next week? Hells no. I sat my creeper ass down and waited. 15 minutes. 15 minutes of awkwardness with the secretary wondering who the hell this chick is and why does she think the doctor wants to see her?? Well, he walked up, waved and disappeared. Now was my chance to leave unscathed. Did I leave? NOPE! Creeper stayed. He came up finally and I greeted him with a hug (while he offered a hand shake) and then asked if he remembered me. In hindsight, Im glad he did, otherwise a stranger just hugged you, in your place of work. It wouldve been real weird. So he asked about med school, and licencing, and how Ive been etc. Asked how long Id be in town (ummm I live "in town"). And here I am. Rambling in all my glory. And i dont know what to do with my hands. Im Italian. We use them to talk! And I fling them around wildly and use then and fidget and look real strung out half the time when I talk. I should not be allowed to talk. This was me. I swear.

Finally, I realized I didnt wanna approach the awkward silence where no one else has something to say so I left. Will i ever see him again? I hope so! I did facebook friend request him. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Im a creeper.

So after creeping around, i went to Charlotte's for a fun run. Not so fun when your shins get tight like mine and you clop clop clop foot drop the whole time. When will my body get used to this running thing? Never? Spectacular. Tomorrow is the long run. And Im scared. I want to just come home after class and be fat. But, Ill be run/walking 5 miles. This kitten motivates me.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAnd on that note, good night all!

Tasty Men Thursday

I bring to you Carries favorite, Mr Ryan Reynolds!
So flippin cute!

one hunk of hot man!

work it Reynolds!

run Ryan run!

He's sad Carrie isnt there to sit in his lap.

Like a BOSS

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Greetings all! it is 12:30 at night, and guess who has to be at clinical at 9 am? Yep, this insomniac! Awesome. Its great to be wide awake when I need to be up in 6.5 hours and counting. Sigh. Today I woke up and studied. All freaking day. Ok, I lie. It was a vicious cycle of study, wander around aimlessly, study, drive to beach for sanity, study, watch court tv shows, study, finally stop studying. I need a ball and chain to sit at the damn table until I know every word on every sheet of paper. Sigh. Is med school over yet???

One thing I did that was fun and not sucking the life out of me is Carrie and i made oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies for Team Meathead. You see, T told me yesterday he wanted these artery clogging creations, and I told him I could probably make them. And I did. I hand delivered them still warm from the oven and watch these fine looking men eat and love them. i like cooking. And watching good looking men eat the things I made. I came home, and sat on my chunky butt and did nothing. I figured the amount of studying I did today warrented the rest of the night off. I was supposed to run today, but it turned into an off day because Carrie got here later than planned. That just means tomorrow is a short run, Friday long run, and lift Saturday. Is it Sunday yet? Im ready to rest again!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Be a Tree

Odd title, right? Well by the end of this you'll see why. So right now is a happy place for all Im around. Its a wonderful feeling. As mentioned before, Carrie got into med school (MY school!! IM SO PROUD). Charlotte called me tonight and Jose Paco Sanchez Rodriguez (her hubby) got a job promotion!!!!!!! Plus, Charlotte for the first time in a long time, was HAPPY! Genuinely. It was incredable to hear the happy laughter of my very best friend. And it got me thinking. What stops us from happiness? Im sure this is a multifactoral question, but happiness is a feeling that one cannot buy, steal, touch, or borrow. Its the ultimate achievement of life I feel.
I like to think the path I am on now will lead to happiness. As I travel it, I find I am happy. At times, I HATE studying and the rigors of med school. But, I wouldnt trade this for the world. I hope becoming a doctor will provide me the happiness that I expect it will. Otherwise, this is a lot of money spent for nothing. But career paths only provide some happiness. I think about my personal life right now. Yes, I am still single. But I am happy being single. I love not having anyone to consider but myself. It allows me to dedicate everything I am to school and my friends and family. I couldnt be anymore happy with this situation.

So why then, do I find patterns and cycles of happy and unhappy in life (as we all do)? I think part of it is fear. We become anxious, unhappy if you will, when we encounter the unknown. We as human beings fear the unknown. But fear is not a God given emotion, it is generated by the devil, to keep us from attaining joy. I find for me, the biggest fear I have is success. I know that sounds strange, because I know I am capable of so much. And i focus my energies on succeeding, but I find sometimes I have this fear of succeeding. I was watching an interview of Tyler Perry (who I am not going to lie, I have no clue who he is but I know he is famous) and he said something so true, so inspiring. He said "Your gifts will always make room for you". This struck a realization for me; When you are given a gift, the gift will be big, but not bigger than you. You see, it is not YOUR responsibility to make room for the gift, for the gift is bigger than yourself. But its when you are brave enough to embrace that gift, to stand up next to it, and own it as yours, it will ALWAYS make room for you. He also alluded to trees. Trees, no matter what, are rooted in the ground, and the ground always makes room for the growing tree. Trees dont grow in fear that the sidewalk will stop their roots from expanding; they get right under that cement and shake it up. We should all be trees. We shouldnt be afraid of success and happiness. In fact, we should chase after it, grab a hold of it, and OWN IT. It may be hard to get under the sidewalk cement, but once you shake it up, and make it your bitch, everyone will see the glory that you are as the tree who keeps growing.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Everything you probably dont care about

Ok, so theres lots of recapping and ranting to do! Lets get to it!
Thursday- Wow! What an AWESOME day. Have an executive board meeting at Bucca De Beppo to plan an upcoming health fair in March. It was a great, productive meeting, and awesome for team building and morale boosting. Also expensive, but thank goodness I will ge reiumbursed by the club funds for it. I think of it as a savings plan so I dont spend that money now on frivolous things. Let me tell you, if I make it to the beginning of December, with all bills paid, itll be a miracle. So then, Carrie and I took on downtown fort lauderdale for a long overdue girls night. Our mutual agreement was we werent getting too drunk. Hahahaha! Yeah right!! We went to Art Bar, got delightfully tipsy, and were dancing fools who also we acting like Joan Rivers at the Red Carpet. Sans plastic face and annoying voice. We then stumbled down to Off the Hookah and saw an old friend in line for VIP... so we did what anyone else would do, and skipped the line and got in with no wait! Oh yeah, and it was ladies night sooooo drinking free, baby! We got drinks and frolicked around, danced our butts off, and drunkenly re-enacted LMFAO's "Im sexy and I know it" dancing. Raging aholes? yes, we are! We wiggle wiggle wiggled into the hip hop room, where we shook our booties and popped it like its hot. A man fancied me apparently, and we danced until I got annoyed. I just wanted to dance with my wife! So we ditched him, and stumbled our way to meeting 2 Italians. Real italians, not the Jersey Shore kind. Accents and all. But, like most men at the club, he got clingy and we ditched him too. We decided to go back to Art Bar to finish out our night. Long story short...Artbar, dancing, water, Newport cigarette, hot guy in a teal shirt, Steak n Shake, bed.
Friday was tough getting up. I was still drunk when the alarm went off. Poor Carrie had her interview for a job. So uneventful day at school, blah blah blah, 5 mile run/walk....yeah, thats right! 5 whole miles. and I didnt die. Talk about amazing. and then.... I got the call. Carrie got into med school!!!!! and not just any school, MY med school!! I was, and am, sooooo incredably proud and happy for her. Its a hard road to be in med school, and staying in is no picnic, and I am so damn proud of her for sticking with it!!!! Hip hip, HOORAYYYYY!!! So we went out to Grand Lux Cafe for a fatty feast 3 course meal to celebrate. We rolled out, food babies and all, and my burps smelt like farts. We are a real classy bunch.
Then, passed out into a food coma. But I was so rudely awakened at 2:30 am by Oliver the cat chasing a baby animal (i think a mouse) in my room. I panicked. I screamed and woke Carrie up and probably almost gave her a heart attack. I could not find the animal, and i didnt hear it anymore so I feared it was dead. Still havent found nor smelt an animal in my room. I think its safe to say its gone.
Saturday was HIV training again, blah blah study, and then I went out in a Hummer stretch limo to celebrate my friend (and classmate) 's birthday. We had fun and Thankfully I didnt dirnk too much so no hangover today!!

Today (Sunday) was spend studying, and hanging with Carrie. We cooked a yummy semi healthy pizza then ruined it with cornflake candy as inspired by the Running off the Reeses blog. The candy is amazing. Food coma status acheived. Again. Oh yeah, we went on a small 2 miler today which my asthma was acting up (i think from the cooler wet weather) and then once I could breathe my shins acted up and I was foot dropping. I know these things will get batter with the more I run but like every one, I want results immediately, damn it! Go go gadget instant miracle and half marathon status! No? Damn you.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tasty Men Thursday

Today, is a throwback fave of mine. He looked good as a teen, he looks good now! Ladies, I present to you, Mr. Justin Timberlake!!
Baby Timberlake

Loving his adorable smile!!!

Justin Nerdylake.....we love nerds!!


all I can say is .... WOW