Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tasty Men Thursday...Christmas Edition

My gift to you....
I'd do more than kiss him under that mistletoe!!!

Any takers? he has a "ho" position available

Why Cant all Santas look this good???


Oh, hello, Ryan Phillipe....

Ill take two. I claim him ladies. Call me an indian giver... IDC.... Mine mine mine mine mine

Santa on the beach???

Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Its beginning to look alot like Christmas....

Ok, so update on my personal life: The guido i was corresponding with is still very nice, but a family member of his is very sick (prayers please) so I dont think now is the time for him to be dating. Havent spoken to him, let him have his space, and life goes on. Anyway, I did go on a "date" this weekend.... it wasnt romantic and there is no interest in him...we will call him Jimminy Crackit....and the date was to a strip club. hahahaha. It was fun, but Jimminy Crackit is not my type. Definately and always in the friendzone for him. ive been corresponding with another man, he seems nice. We shall see and when I think of a name fitting for him, I will SO let you know. Charlotte had an AMAZING Christmas party on Monday. it was perfect. All of us girls were there, my mom and Charlotte's parents, the little Geisha, and a few others. It was epic. My presents I recieved were a smorgasboard of accessories, 2 new pairs of AWESOME heels, a penguin pillow pet, and a Snooki shirt. It was perfect perfect perfect!!!

Continuation of my Christmas wish list:

1. Khloe Kardashian's hair style. Yes, in another 6 months my hair will be that long, but it ALWAYS looks so flowy and amazing. Damn her.

2. To have a nice (preferably handsome) guy take me for a ride around neighborhoods to look at christmas lights. Yes, I know i can get in the car and do it myself. But dammnit this is a wishlist. and thats what i wish for. 

3. To go on a vacation to Bora Bora.....with Matthew Maconahey (i dont care how its spelt, itll never be my last name)

4. To party, one night with Snooki. Just one. I bet its a blast!

5. To eat a whole bowl of this:
mmm buttercream icinggggggg
you know, because I look like that and have always looked like that....shes a bitch.

And still look like this: 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Miss me, bitches???

Im baaaaaaaack!!! Sorry about the hiatus, I took a break from all things reality. And while Im still living in Monica land, I figure reality is gonna come bite me in the ass soon, so Ill get a head start on it. First and foremost, if you are not already in love with Lily Allen, please go you tube "Who'd have known". That is the type of batshit crazy Ron Burgandy made me. And still makes me. Now now, heres the update, dont get all crazy on me til you know the facts: So I gave him the ultimatum and 5 whole days to think about dating me. Problem #1: he shouldnt HAVE to think. I shouldve known right then and there. But Im stupid, and all I wanted was him to love me so I let him think. Such horseshit. Anyway, I finally asked him a few Fridays ago what his "decision" is (never let a man determine the fate of your GOD what happened to me being this strong, independent, aint takin shit from no man person....Im back ladies!!!) and he said he doesnt think he has time for me. SO LONG, MR BURGUNDY! Dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Done. Done with you, and your games, and your stupid manipulative kisses. I miss him a tiny bit when Im lonely, but I feel good he is gone. On to bigger (maybe? ;-)) and better things. So I stayed at my mom's for 5 days (it was lovely), finished my Christmas shopping, and have spent some awesome time with my best friends. Can you believe it's almost Christmas???
In the spirit if Christmas, heres a list of things I would like:
1. To spend some time in Florence Italy (or really, anywhere but this Florida hellhole with stupid douchebags)

2, And in Florence, I would like to be accompanied and romanced by one or both of these fine men:
Saw him on TV this morning, confirmed he has a wife, and immediately thought of hiring Dexter to fix my problem....

And of course, when he is done being Dexter, he can take me out to dinner.
3. Someone to make this Alabama vs Florida rotation for me. Pros: Great opportunity in a great hospital, new place to live, financially sound, new adventure for 2 years! Cons: my family, friends, and classmates are here, i hate change, im scared to death of being alone there. so.....anyone want to decide for me???

4. Ive been working out like a crazy, and started a new eating plan, and am down 7 lbs since August. Ok, I know to some of you skinny bitches that sounds like nothing, but for me, thats amazing. And people keep asking if my boobs are real or C or D cups? They are 100% homegrown, thank you! anyway, so my wish about this is it continues, and my boobs continue to look like tig ol fake bitties,
Ill continue to add to my wishlist for sure, Santa, you better pay attention!! Oh, ok, so I almost forgot. For fun (and maybe something will happen, who knows) I have engaged in online dating. Ive dabbled before, and figured, Im on break, I like dates, why not? Im currently corresponding with, yep, you guess it, a guido!!! I love guidos and i dont care who knows it!!!!!! Ill let you know how our date this weekend goes.

I wish I had the money to go get a mudwrap right now. Groupon, please run that special again after January 5th.... please. Anyway ya'll, Im back, and will be blogging regularly again. Missed you all and love you!